Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Week 3, Thing #7: Technology

About two months ago, after many many months of indecision, I bought my first Palm handheld computer. The Palm TX to be exact. Now, I still haven't figured out if this thing is a help or a hindrance to my daily routine. Here's why:

1) I can carry around just about all the information I could ever need.
2) I can see my special color coded daily schedule at a glance.
3) I could turn it into an MP3 player if I wanted to.
4) I can carry around pictures if I wanted to.
5) I can take notes at a meeting, then transfer the document to my computer. No more writing it down then entering it into Word later.
6) I can play games if I get bored in said meeting. This is a joke, I would never play games in a meeting.
7) I can surf the Internet if there is a wireless connection.

1) Being a guy, I either have to carry it in my pocket (looks funny), or purchase something so I can wear it on my belt (makes me look like a geek...quiet, I know what you're thinking.)
2) It cost way too much money.
3) The accessories I want to buy will cost even more money. Can you say "foldable keyboard?"
4) When I don't get my daily "to do" list done, everything moves to the next day with little exclamation points telling me how much of a slacker I am.
5) It takes me 5 times as long to enter my special color coded schedule then it did when I used a paper organizer (Day-Timers hates me now.)
6) Some people have commented that it is attached to my hand, and that I would have a nervous breakdown if I lost it.
7) I can surf the Internet if there is a wireless connection. Yeah, I know that was also a PRO, but sometimes I get addicted.

So, after all this, I still don't know if I like this thing or not. So, just do me a favor. If you see me with my Palm attached to my belt in some kind of holster...don't laugh too hard.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

New Header

Created the new header tonight for the blog. It's an actual screenshot of Baelgoul from World of Warcraft that I fixed-up using Photoshop.

Week3, Thing #6 / Flickr Mash-ups & Third Party Sites (Sneaks in MN)

Here are some pictures we took of Sneaks while we were in Minnesota. This was done using flickrSLiDR, a Flicker mash-up. Took me a while to figure this out, but I was determined to make this thing work.

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

Week 3, Thing #5 / Flickr project: The Geek Room

Geek Room 2
Originally uploaded by Baelgoul
Well, we needed to post a picture from Flickr, so I took this shot of our "Geek Room". This, unfortunately, is where I spend a lot of my time. Notice the three computers: One so I can play WoW (black and silver Dell), one to look things up while playing WoW (computer to the left of the Dell), and one for my better half to play WoW on (in the corner). Also notice the hamster cage in the background, also known as the backup power supply and/or kitty entertainment system ;)

Monday, July 23, 2007

Week 1, Thing #2

OK, yeah I know I've haven't posted in a while but things have been a little hectic, so here we go. And yes, I know the weeks are a tad bit out of order.

After going through my notes about the 7 1/2 habits of successful lifelong learners, this is what I came up with. Probably the habit I have the hardest time with would be #1: Begin with the end in mind. I, like a lot of people out there, come up with all these grand plans, only to succumb to the pressures of daily life and forget all about where I need to be going. Every year I used to sit down and plan out what I want to accomplish in the next 365 days. I quit doing that due to the fact that after a few months, I couldn't even tell you what was on that list. Now I just settle for planning out my week (if I even get that far).

As far as the easiest goes it's probably #2: Accept responsibility for your own learning. I like to learn something new every day. Whether it's learning a new way to do my job or the finding out where the best place to fish for Oily Blackmouths is in World of Warcraft (I need them for my Water Breathing potions, back off). The day you stop learning is the day you start stagnating.